His opinion has merit, but what he fails to acknowledge is that it is in the best interest of the United States to rebuild New Orleans. New...
I have only one real problem with her.... Why has she not declared martial law in all of the affected parishes? It has been declared in...
If you'll notice, the only parts that didn't really flood was the quarter. The French weren't completely stupid, they did build on some of the...
HA! Did any of you watch FNC on Sunday afternoon? Shep Smith was walking on Bourbon with his cell phone asking folks why they were staying. One...
It's a tremendous thing for you to be a part of. Years from now you will be able to look back with pride that you didn't just think about it, you...
[IMG] Mr. Hand: "That's it, Jeff! I'm tearing up your passort. No one wants to hear what you have to say about Iran, Iraq, or anywhere else."...
Damn, I let Spicolli cruise history and now he's writing arcticles in Iran!
Talk about getting kicked in the nuts when you are down...... http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2005-08-16-homeowners-edit_x.htm...
I said poor, but he probably does deserve horrible. I guess I still carry a small fond feeling for his bball annoucing days. String music, anyone?
I would've stayed out of it until that remark. I bet you're father's still perfecting ways of making ceiling wax. :grin: