Vols. No question. Auburn trash-talking and other antics are bad enough, but at least they are respectable in the fact that they play the game...
With LSU-UT playing Monday night, will they put off poll voting until Tuesday? If not, it would appear that both teams would be treated as having...
That video was OUTFREAKINSTANDING!!!! Excellent job by P & T. :thumb:
Better yet, give 'em a whole plant. That Smithers outfit in Springfield may be willing to build it. I bet they'd even let Homer Simpson be the...
Perhaps we are taking the wrong approach on this. I believe that North Korea wouldn't do anything unless they felt like they had some sort of...
That's the way I see it. China is really making a push to become an economic and political superpower, and that can't happen without a reduction...
Now they want a brand new reactor. That didn't take long, now did it? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,169843,00.html
No thank you, 5 five is my limit on schnizengruben! :hihi:
North Korea is facing mass starvation this winter. They need food, and need it now. All bets are off in the spring, I predict.
Does your company have an office in the area? My rep in Springdale tells me that the gods of Wal-Mart has decreed that all vendors MUST maintain...
Correct, sir. Washington County (Fayetteville & Springdale) is wet, but Benton and surrounding rural counties are dry. Another surprising...
I would disagree with that. I go to NW Ark. 5-6 times a year on business, and it has to be one of the fastest growing areas in the country....
My roomate had an Oiler jersey and hat on. Needless to say, they were both in the bottom of his closet by game's end. That game was a classic,...
Sounds like my dear departed maw-maw, rest her soul. :thumb:
Boy, talk about memories. I watched that one on AFN while deployed to Sicily, making seafood gumbo on a hot plate in my barracks room. My...
Let 'em bitch. Miami has played in the Orange Bowl, and UCLA has played in the Rose, so it's not without precedent. Screw 'em, I say.
Saints. Who else would I pull for? The Cowboys??? :dis:
Everyone going to the game should show up wearing a stocking cap and teddy bear just to let the Vol fans know they will be going "nighty-night" as...
That's the line I take.
Bingo. I haven't lived in Louisiana since 1998, so technically speaking, I don't have a dog in this fight. My familiy is all around BR, and they...