The Sugar Bowl BETTER be FILLED with local LSU fans! The Warriors are for real and the team needs to be sure the fans have their back unlike the...
And you never had a doubt..did you.:LSU231: :)
OH MY TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love 'em!:tigerhead :tigerhead :tigerhead :tigerhead
Time to put these cheatin' MF's away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:champs: :tigerhead :lsup: :geauxtige :po:
Hope you haven't left yet.:hihi: :miles: Fear THE HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:milesmic: :milesmic:
Like That?:wave:
I saw holding on Tenn. OL in the FIRST series! SEC refs prove once again that THEY own the game!:sob:
Typical of Tenn. dirty play.
LSU WILL win this game! NO BRAG JUST FACT.:tigerhead :tigerhead :tigerhead
Rocket Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:geaux:
Keep Ainge in all game long!:champs:
I said once R.P. settles down the T.D.'s would come.:)
I've noticed it ALL year. I still think LSU wins this game.:tigereye:
I really think that ref is on some kind of speed. His head is gonna explode pretty soon. Need a T.D. here really bad!:geauxtige
Why can't we?
Maybe Crowton is thinking about another job during this game.:rolleye33:
Should have been an interception!:tigerhead
Fisher saves our ass.
R.P. got speared with a helmet on that last play. Tenn. and Phat Phill up to their usual dirty plays. Remember the late hit out of bounds on the...