Well Nevis we touted as the next comming of Mr. Dorsey. It seems like perhaps he growing in to that role.
This.............kind of scary the similarities
I don't know if MSU is going to be that nasty next weekend. Two things you have to consider either Auburn sucks and MSU is where they always are,...
I think it really is both but more urgently it is the QB. He is ineffective and the horrifying thing is we don't have another option.
It will be the same as every SEC game for us this year. Hold your breath. There will be no run away games except for our rent-a-wins and even...
JJ looked inept today. JL looked like the prototypical back up QB, fantastic with minimal play. I really wish we still had ZL I fear neither of...
Never were truer words spoken. That has to sting for Marshall
well that might be all folks
not so fast my friend. I want WV to win but they look like a team about to be upset.
Well that doesn't (if you pardon the pun) "shock me" at all.
It's amazing what someone like Dorsey can do to the team. Our D was such a cohesive unit then. He was the heart and soul.
Interesting I guess that explains why the hat rides so high. :hihi:
Thanks red, that goes back a little further than I do.
Nope, although admittedly I didn't keep up with pro football then.
I was reading about the PP Heisman talk, and that got me thinking who was the last player that we had that was in the running for the Heisman? Or...
wow didn't know about Les. I guess you learn something new every day. For example I didn't know Brett Farve had a serious prescription drug...
I agree
It just amazes me how these bobble headed idiots pick one or two teams each year and fawn over them. Several years ago it was ND, then USuCk, now...
If we perform any where near how we preformed last Saturday. I say we start a collection.
Along that line of thinking.......I guess we should forgo this silly playing football thing and give :crystal: to the gumps then. I caught myself...