Crowton..... wow I mean yea I know our QB's leave a lot to be desired but then there is the play calling. I just can't say anything that hasn't...
I tell you guys what I would love to scalp Oregon's OC. That guy has some balls they just intercepted USuCK on their own 2 yard line and on the...
Ahh just like t-bo......the tool box
You know the sad thing is I really think we are a better team than the tigerwareagleplainsmen. They are like florida of old w/ t-bow one player...
See this is something that has been driving me crazy! He is the freaking offensive coordinator. He is the teacher of the offense, he is suppose...
It's a shame newton looked like superman and everyone else looked pedestrian on then tigerwareagleplainsmen team. But yet we couldn't put 8 in...
yea gary daniels and vern haven't had an original thought since '92. vern needs to make like lou holtz and become dismissive and gary needs to...
Fixed it for ya :thumb: You got to give him credit for making appropriate adjustments.
It really is sad but I had a bad feeling we would have a game like this. We are exceptionally good at playing down/up to our competition. We...
Perhaps I should have implyed that we are and have been winning with our talent alone. I think if you take the talent away les would not be up...
This is a great point. We played the most complete game last night that I have seen all year. However there was poor clock management (playing...
I don't know I wouldn't be shocked if we see a former NC coach with a winning record out of a job maybe at the end of this year. I think the...
I suppose I either miss spoke (which is very likely because I had a lot to drink last night) or you misunderstood me. I think if we had a good QB...
Be careful I might take you up on that :)
yea it was a long ride back to covington
I know this is quite possible a thread that has been repeated several times tonight, but I have had a few and I feel the need to vent. There are...
with the talent we have all we need is a decent QB and a competent coach and we would have a couple more of these :crystal::crystal:
they are talking like he is done for the year. not what we need
Considering the fact that we routinely play down to our competition I am still worried about this one. I would love to beat down the Vols but I...
This is like when USuCk played Texas for the NC I was hoping the refs would win. I hate both the gumps and florida. It really is a matter of who...