After tonight I would help him pack
You see this is the problem everyone says the unthinkable happened, Hell if I was in the pigs situation I would do the same damn thing. Go for...
Ok guys I'm sorry flame away if you must but seroiusly!!! We looked HORRIBLE tonight. And I say WE here for a specific reason. The team looked...
Yea I read that after the fact, it just hurts to see us losing to bs. Which brings me to my point there should be no preseason rankings. Prove...
As I said I dont see bs beating a team with any reasonable defense. If our offense shows up and our D is solid I dont see us loosing against...
Personally I would love to see the top 8 teams go into a playoff. Use the current bowl system in place rotating which bowl would get the 1st...
Ok I know the point is the playoff system which I love the idea of. However the problem I have here is do you honestly believe that we would lose...
Trust me I'm not making excuses for the gumps but I seem to remember a situation with cigars and a certain team and his coach at our stadium....
Fixed it for ya :thumb:
Well if our coaching staff would have thought to put 8 in the box to stop the run then perhaps we could have. Still have to scratch my head about...
I would let my money ride on oregon/au over bs.
As Mr. Corso would say "Not so fast there!" If b.s or tcu get to the ncg I hope they play orgeon and I think if thats the case they get their...
I know I might be getting ahead of myself here seeing as though the ar-kansas game is not a gimmie by any means. Having said that were do you see...
I'll help you out here Gumps = delusional. Geaux plainsmenwareagletigers (holding back the vomit)
Put me down for one of these too. Short of the sink hole I'm really hoping for a referee win in this game. Or maybe a tie. This is the...
Agreed herb is a d-bag. Always has been always will be. He's one of those bobble heads up there that when his opinion comes up I can almost...
well gotta say congrats JJ and JL couple of nice passes and some ballsy plays. Played ya'lls hearts out and you guys deserve this win. That...
Well damn that was nice. Now if we can keep the pressure on I will be happy. Pathdoc like :wave:
Yea Yea I cant spell.
Well that was pretty cleaver. Got to give it to you there. How bout that clock management w/ the play clock. Glad les has fixed that issue....