That's what I said when it came out. She should have denied the whole thing. No way you can tell it's her.
I said it is different for females in my original post and I meant it. I understand women in a male dominated arena etc. What happened to her...
Wait you're calling me out for referring to females as girls? Are you serious? I even said in my post that it is probably different for them....
Would this really emotionally wreck someone? I would think "oops, there's my weiner, why the fuck was I dancing around like that?" I guess it's...
A couple of things. First, I have been listening to stupid people for a while, especially when it comes to politics, so I have experience in...
Not sure what other conclusion I can draw. Good one. So which is it? Are you still not a Trump supporter? Or are you one of his biggest...
They're of course, not mutually exclusive. I wouldn't expect you to be able to grasp the nuance.
Maybe educated but not intelligent.
So this video talks about how trump manipulates the weak minded among us to believe he has good ideas when he has none and the two most ardent...
Probably true.
Don't be so sure they'll make NIT
He can't stay in much longer. No money.
I agree. Rubio is the only shot but Cruz really needs to get out. Insane that Trump could be the nominee.
This is what makes me nervous. I can't see Cruz dropping out any time soon and Rubio can't win with him in the race. Cruz isn't exactly the...
Deport everyone? have you ever seen a construction site when the INS shows up? It's not like you just put out a flyer and they start getting on...
That's awesome if he said that. I have to find that video.
You're right, lets send in children as suicide bombers and let's crash planes into buildings where people are just going about their daily jobs....
Collateral damage is one thing. Intentionally targeting innocent civilians is another. Acceptable amount of collateral damage is obviously up to...
I condemn intentionally killing people who are in no way fighting or plotting against our country as any sane person would.
You don't know that. To assume you know how a person will act because they are related to a terrorist is the weak minded stuff Trump preys on. I...