Wonder if this is any indication that Gunner is coming to LSU?
[/B] :geaux: Me too. :hihi: I couldn't help but laugh when I read that one. :thumb: :LSU231:
:geaux: Says he just loves knocking the hell out of people. And at 280 lbs, he can do a good job at it. :hihi: Good read. :LSU231:...
:geaux: :popcorn:
:geaux: :grin:
:geaux: Bingo!
:geaux: Nobody at LSU is talkin' about takin' an azz whuppin' or havin' the score run up on them. BP and the media were. And none of the...
:geaux: Just curious, but several folks have mentioned how he left the Falcons and yet you've not addressed that at all. Guess that means you...
:geaux: Hate to hear this. Was looking forward to seeing Randle on the field next year. Guess the only bright spot is two extra scholly's. Do...
:geaux: Thanks Bhelm. Glad to hear the Tigers are still in it. :LSU231:
:geaux: Just curious, but does Gunner think he's just going to step on the field at Notre Dame, Vanderbilt or where ever and be the starter from...
:geaux: I could handle Gunner following right on the heel's of Mett, Randle and Rivers. :eek: QB would be the least of our worries if that...
:geaux: I hear ya. I know he's not a DE but figured he'd still get the opportunity to rush the QB in LSU's 4-3 if he proved to be a real threat...
:geaux: Seems like Mingo & Montogmery get after the QB pretty well as DE's. Both probably have just as many sacks as anybody on 'Bama's defense...
:geaux: And Dworaczyk will be back as well. Believe he got a Medical Redshirt/Hardship from the NCAA and will have a sixth year of eligibility....
:geaux: I don't think there will be a problem with selling the Club Seats & Suites. There's a big waiting list for those. The general seating...
:geaux: What a coup if we could get the kid. What do you think LSU's chances are Bhelm? Also, any more insight on how we stand with Collins,...