For some reason mine wouldn't work even with the http// in there twice. Don't know what the deal is.
:geaux: Still can't get these links to work. :dis: Anybody else having trouble? Not having any probs on another forum that I post on....
:geaux: We'll see if all this goes down today like this article says. :popcorn:...
:geaux: Don't know why I can't get a link to work on here anymore! :angryfire Anyway, the article is there on ESPN. :LSU231:
:geaux: Guess it's official now, or at least seems that way. WVU has made their move and I guess we'll get Mizzou, for whatever that's worth....
:geaux: The staff must think LSU has a shot at Gunner Kiel. Krags goin' up north to watch him play. :thumb: :LSU231:...
:geaux: Tech is actually a much better team/program. ULM is about on same level as Northwestern St or some other directional school. :LSU231:
:geaux: And don't forget ULM. :hihi: :LSU231:
:geaux: Read that as well on another thread somewhere. :LSU231: