What happened to the ladies?
Now the 2nd half where is our defense
Kentucky stood.up.
Will the Tigers be in the top 10 after this game?
What happens in the 2nd half?
What defense???
my wife is a Vol..grad and she says her team has a qb that we like to have he is a good one
O hope the win all of them
No defense After this game . How many games will this team win ? I think maybe 6
More like the last coach.river boat captain
Hope you all like what Harris plans You will love her fed property tax
We are not as bad as the fighting irish
Could be a very long year
I am going in ncca and get up to date on the new rules Now the defense has to stand still. Got to be more
He told the TRUTH
Obama want let her
Less people working WOW?
His own party got him