Don't forget about gay people.
This isn't coming from his campaign or online or straw polls. You know you can't believe those either.
New numbers: Ron Paul 23% Mitt Romney 20% Gingrich 14% I've noticed much of the media is now saying that Iowa doesn't matter. They need to...
Injecting borrowed money helps only for a short period.
Obama just made the seats bigger on the slide.
I don't despise the Saudis. It just seems to be a looked over fact that those that attacked us were from there. And yes they have money. And...
That correct. Most TALK a good game. But in the end they are the same.
Great argument. But false as usual.
Thanks Martin.
Like we can trust the govt. Hey you aren't suppose to go to war without a declaration but we do that too.
Yep. How far the Republican party has moved in a decade.
Keep believing that. Hell even the Democrats knew it and tried to stop it earlier this year: Ban all foreign aid to Saudi Arabia for
I actually posted something favorable for GB. Just to bad he didn't stick to his playbook. Flip flop.
Oh so being older is a good thing now?
You are showing your age old man.
The same evidence that brought on WMDs in Iraq. A "feeling".
I do find it a bit odd but my question is why pull the ad at all. Oh wow they are Muslim. 90% of the hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia...
And he forgot about. But yet sounds so familiar: The George Bush You Forgot - YouTube
That's such a load of crap and you know it. Alcohol and prescription drugs are readily available in every household. They don't need the...
Because that $10 will turn into $100 and I don't believe that protecting life/liberty means killing life with an act of violence on the innocent....