Obama didn't do chit. Rhetoric that the President or the Government adds anything valuable is crap.
So people are mad because he follows the law? Yah that makes sense.
I still don't get why his tax returns are a big deal. He's rich. He pays less percentage than you. He follows the tax law and takes advantage...
Red only reads facts from poor people.
So because he is rich he can't relate? Well then because the rest of the 95% are poor I guess they can't relate to GOVT spending problems.
Red producing sensationalism at it's best. The GOVT is not starving for money. The GOVT has squandered everything it has/will have. It's not...
This seems to be the way Obama wants to paint Romney. Romney must be Un-American because he lives the Un-American dream.
sometimes martin is right on
Red I'm confused how you quantify this as only a tax freeloaders have to pay? So no cost will increase for me? I find that hard to believe.
Romney and Obama have no meaningful differences.
Percentages of income is crap. Keep EVERYONE the same. No free rides.
Govt. enters into HealthCare = prices go up
RP is the father of the TP. But the MSM took that over and made them just another bunch of hypocritical republicans. The TP does not represent him.
Got to be sneaky these days.
Red is completely off base on this. If the doctor harmed the fetus or the mother got into a wreck and the fetus died did a criminal act take...
"The Military Industrial Complex Has Got Us By The Throat!" Jack Cafferty - YouTube
I think why was this soldier there. What are any soldiers doing there. Waste of money , time, and other resources.
They must have brown people. We must get them before they get us.
The balance is the problem. If you say you want $100M for x program and I say I want $200M for x program but we only have $50M to spend the...
Govt. just gets in the way. Let the market liquidate.