I say fack everyone that doesn't pony up. So what's that 50% of the population?
8 - They aren't really conservative
So Mitt is now selfish because he was born wealthy? GOP is the party of individual responsibility. Who said anything about Repubs only having...
Red just hates people with money. *except Obama
Mormons and Israel 2 things that have nothing to do with this country.
From the man himself: http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/a-brief-history-of-obama-grading-his-own-presidenc What a leader!
I'm ready. Gas / Food / Beer
Let's just hope Cat 1
Just went to fill up the truck and cans. The gas stations are already filled.
UGh this bastard coming at us now
Katrina anniversary landfall
That image updates often. Looks like it has already moved west a decent amount from earlier. Time to get supplied up tomorrow.
Well. I hope it stays East: [IMG]
Who wants to recover back to a bubble?
America has prospered b/c "we the people" . Not because of the Govt. machine. SS is a joke. People want to keep their own money not loan it to...
Martin should know what we call these people. Here is a picture for help: [IMG] People get too polarized on actual candidates vs ideas of...
The way we did it is irrelevant. This country would have been better off liquidating the bad companies.
see bold
The Republican party is now worthless. Here comes Obama for another 4 years.
Wouldn't you be guilty by association?