If you pay less taxes you have more money to spend. I don't adhere to your class warfare crap.
I never referenced the Bush tax cuts. I believe in making taxes less all the time. For EVERYBODY. The bullshit is thinking that printing...
Less tax = more money in pocket = more spending power = stimulate economy Govt borrowing = inflated economy
You clearly said " Paying taxes is a price of citizenship" Now you are saying: "They may pay zero, but they file their taxes, fulfilling the...
It's not like you to back peddle.
Like it matters. We are going to have 4 more years of crap with bama. And guess what. After that we are going to have another 4 more years of...
Like anybody believes that pile of crap. We already know a good bit of the population pay zero yet get the benefits of citizenship.
I was at my daughters school (lower school) yesterday for a 'Dad Day' program and we went through their normal morning rituals first. Which...
I'm so excited: Mitt Romney Barack Obama Pro NDAA Pro NDAA Pro Patriot Act Pro Patriot Act Pro Agenda 21 Pro Agenda 21 Pro TSA Pro TSA...
Propping up a bubble makes a good economy?
They boo'd every time.
LSU is it's own worst enemy.
First let me say that most of the FL fans I encountered through-out the day were nice. But I found it disgusting that inside the stadium the...
First 100 years of this nation it was illegal to have a federal tax. It was NEVER an obligation. It is NOW a penalty.
I would probably directly hire 3 people. I would most likely spend the other 5 people's wages on contract services / marketing / etc. etc....
The sad part is people like Red think the government is actually helping them out. If the govt only took half of what I pay them I could hire 8...
The chances JC wasn't married are... ?
Like we didn't already know this....
He's hiding that people get mad because he follows the tax law and pays lower than most b/c of where his income comes from. Nothing more nothing...
Gave him a mess, that he made into a bigger mess. Propping up broken policy and bubbles with printed money doesn't help.