Sorry Dachsie, could only give you one "like."
Two tie all tie, right?
Per Dandy Don: LSU has faced 6 teams ranked in the top ten so far this year, Clemson will be the 7th.
Think all this will affect Moses decision? Why come back when it is now more doubtful the gumps can win the SEC or make it to the playoffs next year.
Finbaum show should be fun today.:eek:
"FBS schools can only have 85 players on scholarship at any one time and can generally give up to 25 scholarships a year."
Iz I hate to disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're limited to 25 schoolies a year, period. No carryovers.
GBFTL, excellence for as long as I can remember.
The Ducks do it!!! Congrats GDF!
Yeah but the girl is still kicking our collective butts!:(
That's awful. If it's true.
Gotta admit, she's doing pretty good for a girl.:eek:
Defense has made huge strides the last 3 or 4 games. I don't think we have a whole lot to worry about. Plus, CEH should be at 100%. I don't see an...
Yeah, but not as bad as what happened when I was going through C-130 IP upgrade at Little Rock AFB. We went out to the airplane we were scheduled...
That's really cool that your daughter flew "Buffs" too. I understand that there are now three generations of aircrews who have flown the B-52.
Man, I can't believe you never had a inflight emergency even in an A-10, that's remarkable. Hell, I was a Tweet instructor for 4 years and had a...
Don't bother me, I'm watching my DVR recording of the Peach Bowl!:D
I've been called a lot of things in my life, but "irrational" has never been one of them. I think if you polled them, most pilots would agree with...
You're kidding right?
Actually, I never felt totally comfortable in any airplane unless I was at the controls.