She went to the place most famous for publishing lies. The New York Times.
People were cold at the game? What no LSU "snuggies"? I even saw a guy who had his young son holding a sign" PleasE Saban Please ReturN" that had...
CP, I believe you forget that Saban's first defenses here at LSU were not very good.(00,01 and 02). Saban's first truly dominant defense was in...
I'll be there managing the event as usual. I'll be there early and making sure that the media behaves...
I'm with ya ramprat. good post.
+1, good post.
I was watching the game on an non HD tv and saw clearly two feet were in. If this is there reason for not seeing as good a picture as the rest of...
All this outside heat on SEC officiating may lead to the front office to turn a cold shoulder on the Gumps. Before mooin' your own horn. Bama may...
I agree with this. Saban is doing some damage control. This tainted win could keep his team out of a BCS bowl if they lose to UF as expected. If...
I have to disagree with you on this one. You can't say for certain LSU would have scored just like it can't be said that you are certain that LSU...
Slive and other SEC reps are in on this. If this was not so, then refs would have been disciplined for the last ten years or so. The SEC wants two...
If you watch the replay of the game tonight pay close attention to the second half. After a TT catch and run past the marker the official actually...
After watching the replay. It is clear that Julio Jones does not touch the ball. This is a case of SEC home office cooking again. The SEC had...
Sounds like they are making stuff up as they go. I'll watch the replay but I do not believe rules make a difference when you have to play against...
Let's all pitch in a dollar to cover CLM's fine. Tell CLM to call them out on Monday's "Lunch with Les". If I were Les I'd show up Monday with...
I did notice in the second half Toliver made a catch and was tackled a couple of yards past the marker. The official threw the ball to another...
No you are not Auburn, just Auburn rejects!:hihi: You left yourself open for that one. What you jealous of your in state brothers? Why all the...
me too!
liberals and progressives i.e. communists and socialists. Dumber than a bag of hammers or box of rocks. Leftists control major media and resort to...
I was looking right at the student section as it was happening. But since I was working my focus may have been better. I was sober.:hihi: