Lets just hope Alex doesn't read this thread :eek:! We all as tiger fans are more worried Alex than Football!!!
I never considered Bryant a Cheater but he like Huey Long took advantage of areas most people never thought of...like giving track and Basketball...
Comment was not pointed at you vshouse it was about other threads started by Tiger Fans that only show up and predict doom and gloom. I suspect...
Are you the same ASSCLOWN that predicted that Arkansas would shred LSU last year ?
What Kyle said....
Playing Devils Advocate!! where is your Proof Romney paid no taxes..
For Me it is Chuck Berry and Johnny be Good
NO.... SHIT i liked the finder....
Lots of rain....and rain and .......RAIN and did i mention it is RAINING NOW :(
Well crap..... time to fill the generator and pick up yard missles and go to my moms and do the same...
It is called the 'Redneck Riviera" for a reason !!
Well Crap...Me and a buddy were dragging for bait friday night and fishing saturday at Dauphin Island but all the snowbirds will be in full blown...
OH SHIT...the Red line scares me...
Watching the Saints game was painful tonight it was like being at my kids peewee games.
I am More worried why he has that toilet brush in his hand ???
[media]Black Bear for almost certain
LOL ooops MIssed it