Never play i understand....but i would love to see him get a education somewhere
always click watch thread in the to right corner
Back to Subject... i was hoping his mom would rough him up before the game...Just sayin :)
In politics it doesn't matter what you are...but what people perceive you are! Red loves his some semantics :)
Sucks:( ....On the Bright side we have another Scholly we can fill
Ingram ...i wish but Saints have too much money invested it wont happen...he has looked somewhat better in last game but hard to look worse
any word on ALEX
I am Deeply Offended by the word "right" in your statement clearly you are pandering to the conserative crowd..I am now going to stamp my feet...
Yes another Db is needed more than a Running Back...i like Chris Ivory but with Brees at qb he is a luxury
But where do we draw the line....Girls in shorts could offend ceratin groups who belive in covering, drinking displayed...the game is played on...
I hope the least pound on them for us next week.
ahhhhh to see another flock of pigs flying over the state of Alabama.... makes me feel all warm and fuzzy
For me it is too early to predict a score i want to see what the gumps do against the cowbells. If it is a bruising game and a quarteback goes...
It Sucks...But the Gumps are having too much fun kicking Auburn right now :rolleyes:
Try Revolution you can catch up it is on demand...look for TV series ...But walking Dead is the best so far....Last night was sweet...the zombies...
Cant she Fake a hammy so Mommy can watch the game....Sheesh :p
That was over the top...not trying to tackle that was a wwe type move. If we allow moves like that go unpunished then football opens it self up...
YAY ...I have been here since 2003, you may all kiss my ring :p