To play devils advocate what if it was a person who did not know better and let the police and the social worker in ? My fellings are if a social...
It was a present and he was proud of his new rifle no more than a kid wanting you to take a picture with a new bike.
His Uncle " Ray Ray" passed he was on the kidney donor list but one never matched. His uncled kept Jamarcus grounded and gave him a direction...
Last year if i remember he has that standalone porn mustache and after watching a video today he looks like one of the Duck Dynasty crew?
More than that who has on a back pack with pots and pans banging its like ringing a dinner bell!!!
Walking to New Orleans, House of the Rising Sun, City of New Orleans, New Orleans Lady, Jambalaya, Marie Laveau, Amos there are good many
There Martin fixed it for you !!!!
PFFFFT...we were hoping Saban...oh well :D
I was a Freshman in West Stadium dorms when that Happened....uggg i feel old we could hear mike moan/call late at night it was a strange sound.
His salary is 850k and his Buy out is 1.25 million so if in a year somone hires Petrino WKU will have had his services for a year and MAKE over...
HMMM what to do about bad refs [media]
Lets see Merle lied about killing Michone and she is going to be back in the camp... Merles brother is also going to be attacking...who knows but...
Name me a Better Coach we could get....Realizing that we probaly would lose Chavis and recruits love stability !
Wow i stretched it to 5 :rolleyes:
Ok. I stayed away from the forums so i would not let my emotions take over. I was disappointed LSU lost but encouraged by the way the teamed...
I think we give Saban as much love for him as he does for us. Like the ex wife you don't wish them harm but you dont want to see them all the time...
That is a Tiger Tail on the Nick Saban statue outside Bryant Denny Stadium
I hate the Trojans and Lame Kiffin but it is tempting to see a a season with no undefeated teams. How hard is it for a tie nowadays ?:p
If you have tickets can i go...since you know what is going to happen anyway!