So simple, how can so many miss it?
I'm guessing 85% of these protesters don't have jobs to go to in the morning and the other 15% ain't going. #iamonwelfare
Maybe he copped a feel.
They need to set pressure cookers at the intersections and tell the thugs they're going to set them off at 12:15 so they get the hell inside like...
Just watching this shit on the tube again tonight. Hard to believe so many people are so fucking stupid. And wat up with those big bad asses who...
The holidays are when I remember dad smackin mom around. At least til I got big enough to give him a run for his money.
Guy shot had a gun in his hand. Narrative being put out was that he had a book in his hand. Governor of that State showing it's done. You send in...
I agree but that's not the point of this thread. It's the white's being blamed when they didn't use the word.
But the media is saying Trump and "other white men behind King seemed more comfortable than I would have been." Black guy on CNN is who I'm...
If that's tru he gotta go.
I understand but what can one man do, really. If nothing more than like lsutiga said earlier in the thread.
That is one great example. Let the best man/woman be awarded a job, spot, etc. And many times that will be a black- so be it. I'm good with that....
With the field as big as it is, we only need 20% to get in a runoff. Duke has a following so don't kid yourself. He has 14K followers on twitter....
No fear my brother.
Yes, it's not so much an anti-black as it is pro-white that I stand for.
We're always looking for good salesmen. Selling is everything. People who are good at "selling" are the movers and shakers out there.
Were you sentenced to be a salesman?
As a sunburn.
He'll win again. The time has come for us to rise up. Knights of the White Camelia.
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