White pride big daddy. It's ok to be proud to be white. Don't buy all that white privilege bullshit the blacks are trying to pass off as an excuse...
You don't think what I said is true? Heck even brown crickets don't breed with black crickets. Bobcats screw bobcats and lynx screw lynx, ocelots...
I say we load up and go loot the sum beetches.
Sooo, it ain't for everybody. There's a reason Blue wing teal mate with blue wing teal.
Geaux Big Tigers.
Have a banana.
Sure but Clinton banging bimbos doesn't matter cause he's not the one running for president. To hell if she had a huge part in some shady shit...
Wish that guy would've sprayed those mother fuckers with some bullets.
I had the whore in the cross hairs once. Shoulda squeezed.
Trump WILL win. No 2 ways or ifs ands or buts about it.
Depending on how you define win, polls coming out will show that Trump won cause he didn't lose.
Take a knee.
got charged too. Trying to start a riot??? Funny how many BLM peeps DO start riots and go scott free....
Listen la cucaracha, or whatever your name is, I only speak to people who have sheets over their heads.
Sounds like it shoulda been a no call to me. Pick up the flag.
No black coaches? hmmm
She probably asked for it.
NC, you out there in those streets? You seem like the liberal jungle fever type.
Not voting for that crotch rot, saggy tit bitch anyway.