Doubling down. Used a lot in reference to Trump not backing down from an off the wall remark.
Them wetbacks ain't leaving. My nephew dates one. Well actually her mom is and her dad is black. Nice looking- beautiful skin and an ass like a...
What we really should've given him was a rope.
Calling him racial names and spitting in his face is fucking wrong too. We now live in a world with women in combat. You kill a bitch these days,...
Yeah I get that, and agree but can't say he's not outside his legal rights. Can't have shit Like this become the norm.Check this one.
That was funny but maybe possible.
A man shouldn't hit a woman but women shouldn't put hands on a man either. Men have a right not to be hit, slapped or pushed also- legally. The...
Accepting this kind of information seems just as bad in my op.
Ruff ruff
What you have big?
Did someone say sista? :D
No lie. Let me get out of her before someone says I swalla.
Here's a mutha phucker with some nerve. If trying to run another man's stuff isn't enough he posts a link plum full of faggots on here.
Well it sure ain't referring to my pussy sweetheart.
Who said I was a mister?
As long as you pull out, you're good.
Hell yes it's important. I want to see how we matchup with a an ACC team this year.
Whoa. How long has it been? Haha As you get older it won't mean as much as it once did but to say does anything else really matter? Wow. I like...
Like Inused to hear black classmates say, slave days is ova.