Regardless of where this may fall, they forget no other president ran on his own dime. I say let him profit from it.
Bunkie? Be dam if I'd live in a town that has more blacks than whites. Next thing you know the mayor and chief of police will be black then things...
How does our baseball team get around having black players?
Anybody else here remember that "London Bridge is falling down from back in the day?"
Fuck Russia, fuck CNN, fuck that queer Lemons, fuck Obama and fuck rex.
Rainbow flags are for fags.
All I want to know is where have all the TF babes gone?
I just wish someone would kick that black faggot Don Lemon's ass.
Softball. Now there is something you don't see a lot of coloreds in. At least not around where I live.
The next day was pigs' feet and melon with earnge soda.
push back and double down
phuck em all is what I say
How bout this misleading title. So obvious Trump is right on. Politics Then...
Big bitch = big tree.
Trump, get your shit together man, a negro is laughing his ass off at you.
I got the marketing slogan for it, " Blackballing the Black Boys."
Trump is a step ahead of them. Think about this, during a time when the ban is being debated, Trump has the media arguing with the White House-...
Or this one. Title acts like Trump ban is getting hammered when in fact, Washington is about to be made a fool of. Title They discreetly drop...
I get aggravated with Trump dishing in the media but it's easy to see why he does. It pisses me off than they actually DO report fake news. Want...