The South's Gonna Rattle Again.
I'm pro-white, that's for sure. I view what she said as racist though. At least she's speaking about black stuff in isolation. She's glad and...
Me shell can say this and say that but one thing she can never say is that she has good haar. Your kids may play in a yard of the white house but...
From the little I read, that seems to be the biggest determining factor of a school's success. The whiter the brighter. Maybe you can show us some...
This is why no one should support the Tan Klan. That's what they really are ya know....
Did you not see those lips and respirators?
Am I not entitled to not like? It all began with sister running off with one. Man did that shake up the household for me at an early age. Make...
Same link-a-dink: That's just crazy talk there.
Easy for you to say out there in California. I may be coming that way if this guy gets his....
I get it. You saying to be quiet and this will pass? Sorry, hard for me to keep my head when coppers justifiably draw service weapons to smoke an...