Good Ol Joe ... already planning the payback to his buddies in China .. gonna x the Keystone xl pipeline ... Earth to Joe Biden: Canceling...
Biden Inauguration Day: America’s Dark Winter Begins – Issues & Insights
Gonna bookmark this page for next year ....... Today is Bidens inauguration... Gas is currently $1.95per gallon. Interest rates are 2.25 percent...
Did I call you any of those names?
resorting to personal insults now .... are we?
I'm trying to figure out if it is Whah Whah What .. as in crying ... or the WHUA, WHua, whuaaaaa ... musical tag at the end of something.
Since when is debating with you considered whining? All I did was point out the obvious. ... well ... obvious to everyone else anyway.
Just thought this merited repeating. Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a...
Don't think you can use a "one-off" .. like, pretty much the only time it has ever happened to illustrate a trend.
And yet ... Democrats post false shit about everyone else all the time. Why should this be any different?
Thanks Ween ... like I said, didn't know if it was true. I don't know if anything is true these days.
My favorite line of the story ... This will be the first time many Americans will ever even hear of the Biden's and their alleged deals with China...
Don't know if this is true ... but ..... he claims they dropped him for being a Trump Supporter. Curt Schilling AIG - Bing Can't be true, because...
And .. the tit for tat begins. Our Government has become a circus. BREAKING: GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Introduce Articles of Impeachment...
You would think Biden the Uniter, being the leader of his party at the moment, would tell ol geritol Pelosy and the gang to back off.
Point taken! ...
judge fraud wisconsin - Bing Wisconsin Judge Who Ruled Against Donald Trump Gets Extra Police Protection After Threats ( Brian...
Google is your friend. I did the work for you, but I'm not going to post the links. Google, Judge Fraud, "state" (like judge, fraud, Wisconsin),...
BREAKING: Texas Election Fraudster Caught in Project Veritas Undercover Sting Arrested For Widespread Vote Harvesting - Faces Up to 20 Years in...
Sad as hell really. We have a friend who is all into this crap!! All the "pizzagate" bull shit, water marks on the ballots, sting operations....