And that is the problem. Leftist are subjective, emotional creatures. Kinda like little kids screaming for their cup cake. Riots in Summer =...
At least you admit it!
And this is the relevant issue of the post. How bout we do a forensic audit and hand count of the votes in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, Atlanta,...
Yes you are ... on every bit of it.
So ... you still don't think there was fraud. ... HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate...
I will have to agree ... Trump just didn't know how to play the game (afterall, he's not a teabaggin, piece of shit politician). He could have...
Before or After Biden and Heels pack the court? ..... I mean ... ya know that if you ask the Democrats, they will ALL, in UNISON, like the BORG...
No he did not. All Trump did was quote other people regarding election fraud. Trump didn't do the statistical analyses that suggests...
All I see are double standards .... needs repeated ...
That is total b.s. and nothing more than a CNN/DNC talking point. Trump was closing down travel while the Democrats were calling him a xenophobe....
Well ... for the most part .. I'm somewhere between an anarchist and libertarian. You would be correct ... I HATE the Democrats .. and loath the...
Amen! The fricken Republicans have screwed us at every turn. Even Reagan exchanged Amnesty for NOTHING (ie., a promise to strengthen the border...
Read those bolded letters over and over. Trump didn't do anything wrong ... a small percent of his supporters, "interpreted is remarks". How...
Let's get something straight ..... Insurrection: - to revolt against authority Revolt - to rise up in rebellion against authority Rebellion ... a...
here's the deal CO ... it is a matter of interpretation. YES ... Trump encouraged his crowd to protest the election, but he never encouraged...
The reality, IMO, is it was not Trump ... it was the MEDIA'S depiction of Trump that was destructive to EVERYTHING!! Ya have to acknowledge that...
CO .... the article is a second level explanation on the data presented by Mary Faning in the Lindell Video. If you go to the Lindell's video...
Proof Positive: Coordinated Cyberwarfare Attack Against US By China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan To Steal Election From Trump - The American...
What do you expect a bunch of Antifa people and BLM activists to say?? On another note ... I don't think a defense of .. "so n so told me to do...
Wow .. Stacy .... cellulitis is really serious business. I'm glad they figured it out. Your story brings up a VERY IMPORTANT flaw that has...