Mom in Plano said they are having rolling blackouts. She's been out of power for 14 hours because the fricken Windmills froze up and shorted the...
No he didn't. He came to that conclusion on the urging of political forces. The FACTS were selective and limited. But I digress .... I don't...
In other words ... the "establishment" wins when they can operate under the cover of darkness. Bring their sorry asses out in the light, however,...
Of course not ... the "establishment" is pure as the wind driven snow.
Man ... this is going to be interesting times. We already have 6 in. on the ground with another 12 on the way. Temp is 6F .. headed to 0F. (not...
Not at all. I'm skeptical. That you take the Democrats and body politic's word for things as being truthful says more about you than me. When...
Actually ... LOOK AT THE LIST!!! ... Romney, Murkowsky, and Sasse have been bonafide Trump haters since the beginning. Collins had no choice, .....
Trump did one thing wrong ... he beat HIllary in 2016, resulting in him appointing 3 Supreme Court Justices. The Democrats and Media have been...
This impeachment was just political theater The trial was more of the same. Trump did nothing wrong, and everyone knew it except of course, ......
And they just backed off after Cruz said Nancy Pelosi and the DC Mayor would be called to testify. UPDATE: House Impeachment Managers FOLD - Back...
He's a democrat .. it's called a resume enhancer.
Obviously ... NOT!!
We aren't quite as cold, .. .but we are supposed to get down to -1, high of 17. That's cold crap for AR. Tyson won't have to process the chicken...
There have NOT been any hand counts of PAPER ballots in the 6 Democrat Controlled precincts that made the difference in the election.
Nah .. it was all Trumps Fault .... just ask CNN.
kcal ... essentially ... TG is saying that in order to support the home made machine, Hart InterCivic, the state of Texas "denied certification"...
Funny .... anytime anyone brings up a point that would make the election more legitimate, the Democrats or people who support them start making...
[IMG] If you don't see what's wrong with this picture ... you are a fricken RETARD! EVERY Republican shorted about 300 votes. Dems shorted 20...
looks like that is from January 14. ... so apparently, nothing came out.
I didn't watch it, but caught a glimpse on a commercial ... wasn't the KC Chiefs quarterback white as well?? How is Brady winning against a white...