I posted this on the other thread .... THIS is what truly threatens those with opposing thoughts ... UPDATE: LAWLESS US -- Supreme Court REFUSES...
UPDATE: LAWLESS US -- Supreme Court REFUSES to Consider GOP Post-Election Fraud Cases Before Biden Inauguration (thegatewaypundit.com) What good...
"UNITED States" .. is beginning to look more like the USSA .... at gun point.
No, Trump Isn’t Guilty of Incitement - WSJ That's just wishful thinking on the part of people like you!!
Can't have an "effort" without purpose. There has been no "effort" on the part of Trump to suborn the constitution. What there has been is a...
Repealing the 2nd is not a worry of mine ... it's the regulations .. and they are very real one's. They can stack the court and regulate Gun...
They can't repeal a constitutional amendment without ratification of the 3/4 of the States. So that is a non-starter. Their approach will be to...
Yeah ... but 3-4 or them are too stone to remember to show up and vote! .... :p
Just gonna stand up for GDF here dude .... explain to us just HOW GDF is supposed to change all the votes in Oregon?? Even if GDF voted for...
"Shading of facts" includes omitting the reality of why the protestors in D.C. were there. Precinct Democrats in 6 Counties thwarted...
Ya know .... for the record ... for our friends here on Tigerfan .... Like GFD, who lives in Oregon .... which will go Red when someone actually...
BREAKING: FBI Claims Jurisdiction and Yesterday Took Control of Shredded Ballots Being Analyzed in Georgia - Sends Them Back to Shredder...
I was referencing the BLM crowd. Kyle was actually one of the people trying to protect other people's property. Of course, he's headed to the...
Who was prosecuted for destroying statues in the BLM flap?? ... Celebrated. Who was charged with manslaughter during the BLM riots? ......
When innocent people were murdered during BLM ... all was fine.
Why?? ... Why should they be prosecuted? For what? Trespassing? Disturbing the Peace? I"m not buying into the contrived Democrat/Media...
It doesnt say much about you to keep thinking that TRUMP was the "inciter" here. Stop the Steal was/is about the numerous reports on media...