Remains to be seen. She raised $1M .... but has that $1M benefited any Texans? Show me the detailed list of things her $1M bought? On another...
That is simply NOT what your graph and data say. Your Graph says that of the 46,000 MW that went off line, 15,000 were from wind, and 30,000 were...
TG ... something for you to consider. Texas (and the South in general) does not invest heavily in the road equipment for maintaining icy or snowy...
Well .. sure . and unicorn farts allegedly smell like cotton candy. But what you propose is not possible. .. as in big IF!
A projection of 1 watt and producing 1.1 watts is not just a whole lot to crow about mr global warming. Enjoy lighting your one little LCD bulb...
uh ... yeah you would!
I hate to say it .. but you don't even know what the hell you are looking at. As already pointed out ... Wind is down 50% .. that wind's 50%...
ONe of these days, someone is going to get serious about this ... it would solve the wind solar storage problem and be on demand. ... [IMG]
Interestingly, a locomotive engine 12,000 hp produces 8.9 MW of power ... which is just 3 MW short of the largest Windmill, and it is capable of...
Agreed ..... the PRIMARY problem was management ... it's ALWAYS management and the idiots who run the place. I said that several post back....
Winston ... you are better than that. If Wind is running 1000 MW .. .and Gas is running 10,000 MW ... and they both go down 10 percent ... well...
This is just wrong .. and a lie. Read .. The Day After Tomorrow: Renewables Fail Edition – Watts Up With That? Wind and Solar provided a whopping...
[IMG] Anybody else see the problem?? Cutting Coal use by 50% is a problem. U.S electricity generation by source: Natural gas vs coal -...
I'm not even going to read or respond to what ever that guys name is. Stupid is as .... well, it's just stupid. But to you and Winston's and my...
The reality is there is a huge story underlying the shortage. Every pundit cherry picks the parts of the story to make their point, but the...
In the realm of possibilities ... everything is possible. Trump was probably buddying up to Clingons as well .... in a preemptive move against...
Just gotta love what Democrats think is important ..... "COVID-19, climate change, and support democracy" (known better as dictatorship and world...
Nonsense??? .... Look Mr Contrarian ... COAL is the cheapest energy available. So right off the bat your post is nonsense, and contradictory. 11...
You would be incorrect my friend. The "turbines" they are talking about are wind turbines, not coal and gas. The "failure" is the...
Well .. in all fairness, my mom doesn't support relying on clean energy. Oh sure, put up your own windmill or throw up some solar panels, but the...