and most black people dont, i'll reserve my comments on why.
more often as of late, they have.
the anit Jefferson
yes like the guy in Virginia, that shot the news people live on air. him being white and all..... oh wait!
try and be a little bit more creative, i know you have it in you.
love this the trilogy with Damon, the other one was awful
i ve known all of that, i was asking what did they say about the shooter? what do they identify him as?
well what exactly is he? ridiculous
want to see how fast Fox News darkens this picture. lol
Funny thing about this is the office of the Benghazi investigation. I was in DC in March at the capitol for some business and I took a picture of...
If you dont think Democrats play the payback game, i might need to have a side conversation with you.
yes if it was a rodeo
i'll take this one over for you, sorry!
i saw this, quite interesting, but both sides play this game.
its a little different for those policies. Only a few companies will write for that kind of policy.
i dont think he should, but the notion is not far fetched.
tell him im recruiting if he wants to play for a balanced team.
i wouldnt take Bama. I dont like the line.
Bradely Dale ............................... too easy of a question