did you read the entire ESPN article, I was like wtf..... the entire read. I couldnt believe what I was reading and still cant. its like you cant...
or like going from 1 centrifuge to 5k in 3 years during 2003-2006. or do you want to go to war? Because sanctions are working to a degree but it...
letting facts get in the way of a good sounding talking points NC
Im telling you what the bible says.
Yes. Learn what the bible says. No sin is greater than the other. It's 2 sins the lord hates the most.
coherent as well, i read something he posted yesterday and said to myself, this guy is a damn genius without weed.
is that real?
not really
you didnt i was just teasing you, because we fight a lot.
do you just want to fight today? we can make up something to fight about.
I was agreeing with you.
she has no religious standing, no sin is greater than the other.
oh shit, she has been married 4 times. nobody told me .
she can certainly believe what she wants, but its still paid and funded by taxpayers. she should resign.