They all died because they caught covid though. Those comorbidities were a factor but you had to have the trump card to make it work. I'm not...
I thought this inflation round was bing driven by a lack of supply. Maybe that is naive.
ok but I don't think hospitals are intentionally filling their beds just for the money. I do know that doctors are telling people to stay the...
what recent findings? Link?
Neither he nor anyone else but you claimed him to be an antivaxxer. He was against mandates not vaccinations. You don't even know if he was...
you are ignoring the unvaccinated who were not previously infected. They are the purebloods. They are the ones who suffered the most.
why is it so much easier for me to vote than someone else? I have to be registered and I have to show up at the polling place to vote at least two...
It hasn't been about the right to vote. It has been about the how to vote. It doesn't seem like exercising your right to vote when someone can...
it is like you quoted the first sentence and last sentence of a book.
Does myocarditis only occur in the vaccinated? Was this study was done on only the vaccinated?...
I see only two options. 1, get Covid. 2, Get vaccinated and then get Covid. There is really no don't get Covid option.
My chance of dying from covid were higher than my chances of dying from a shot. I am winning. Tiger blood baby.
Yeah, that is a weakness of this vaccine. It doesn't produce a strong immune response. It produces a protein that looks like a spike protein for...
research has been going on since the early 90's. Moderna and BioNTech have spent tons of money developing mRNA for years. People have their...
Nope. With the super immunity I posses, I can walk into a covid filled ICU naked and start treating people. I can probably cure them with a...
nah. I did the "research"
Case closed. Dad and son get life without parole and the videographer who was herding Ahmaud towards the two gets life with parole. Justice...
weed stays in your body longer than the vaccine does.
Get ready for the booster mandate. New York is doing it. You antivaxxers have a lot of catching up to do! LOL I have been vaccinated, then had...