It is mighty white of you to support the people of Ukraine. It seems to me that your argument is more with your POC lib-troll brethren and less...
But do we recognize the current regime? Carefully worded policies change. You have words and you have action. I don't like what I am seeing and...
That point is over now. Withdraw is not going to happen. What to do now? Russia knows that nothing will be done. Sanctions? Eastern Europe...
Is it a huge difference Neville Chamberlain? As I stated, China is waiting to see what happens in Ukraine and will respond in kind. They will...
It used to be to keep our allies as close to Russia as possible and not let Russia get closer to us. However, what is there to gain in the...
dude has an approach to basketball Wade as Tap did to football O. I like it. Keep it up.
So we have experts in their field that contradict each other. Trumps lost because a lot of people hate Trumps. Democrats saw a way, trough...
Yeah right. That old man got his head bounced off the ground. If he dies from that like Saget and the black guy is charged with murder, would...
yes as the white supremacist mayor backed the recall. White Supremacists is becoming, if it isn't already, a false flag callout of the liberal....
Where have we heard this language before? Ousted woke San Francisco school board member who focused on renaming 44 schools instead of reopening...
you mean songs about mama, or trains, or trucks, or prison, or getting' drunk ain't good enough anymore?
I believe that nature vs nurture (or motivation vs lack of motivation) exists across all cultures. We get the most highly motivated people...
As a matter of fact the three chief members lost a recall vote yesterday and now they are jobless. They tried to blame the elite conservative...
I think you are spot on but isn't this a list of names that the dumb, stupid, and extremely liberal San Francisco school board didn't want their...
You are not pointless. The right screams “Woke!” The left denies it exists. But both will do whatever they can to silence the other. Be less...
Blackface Trudeau is going to take his country back by hook or crook.
snipers on the roof. Got to shoot those freedom fighters!
remember what you said back there in another post about the Republicans jumping on the trucker bandwagon? I don't know about politics here,...
wanting freedom without being told what to do. It is time to set the people free!
[MEDIA] Hope moves on to TAM and a big NIL deal.