What a complete mess. They are frantic up here trying to save this thing. When I say they I mean schools not named Texas or Oklahoma. They are...
Myth Totally busted. The chicken was excellent but I think that had more to do with seasoning and the way that the bird was positioned on the...
A cute baby bunny. It's now somewhere in my house or in my dogs belly. No blood on the dog and no fur on the ground so I'm fairly certain it...
Thankfully Colby is okay and tragic that 2 kids died in a crash. Is it too early to ask who will be our kicker?
8 years ago as to what a pos obama was. The writing was on the wall, who raised him, who and what he studied, where he worshipped. All of it got...
@bhelmLSU are we in position to pick up anything from the exodus that's about to happen out there?
Here it comes. 1st round today.
I will admit, I'm a fan and it was time for him to hang it up. So... 1. Who has seen the commercial, the one where they parody the Otis Redding...
Who you got? Ricky, DJ and Day
For the second day in a row, LSU Quarterback Anthony Jennings missed spring practice on Tuesday....
No thread yet on the only thing beside "The Donald" that is dominating coverage? Here is my take, we absolutely need to get into that phone. I...
This team is going to be SO good. Look at all the upside. We have a returning Jr QB that will probably complete 50% of his passes, a stacked O...
Anyone hearing not so good news?
It's time some of you learn to follow it, @lsutiga
Probably nothing but I sure don't like it when this type of stuff is in the news. I don't trust the NCAA as far as I can throw Tiger Stadium....
Not going to happen right Barackmehd? Where is the outcry from his cheering section?
Alright boys and girls, we are under way. The jury will deliberate for a while on the Billy D experience but it could work. Who you got?
1st president in 50 years to veto a defense bill. What a steaming pile of Islamic loving camel shit this fuck stick is. His mom should have...
What is the read on him? I don't know much about him but what I do know is dingy harry likes him and if that is the case I almost have to not like...