I want JL to remain starter, but I agree with this. :geaux:
Everyone keeps talking about what the impact to the team will be with JJ returning -- will he help or hurt the team, has he improved, etc. I...
I don't think CLM will muddy up the waters by putting JJ back in the mix unless JL goes down, and there are many reasons I feel that way such as:...
Hopefully Mett gets the entire second half again and the ones can rest up for Florida.
Since I live in Mobile surrounded by Bama fans, I can't help but look ahead. Lee's 5 battle-hardened years against McCarron's 3 "QB-in-waiting"...
Disagree. And I keep up with it daily.
If you believe that Krags helped JL improve and JJ was his "project" since the spring, then shouldn't we expect significant improvement from JJ?...
I couldn't agree more. Once they let Lee start passing regularly, he did what he needed to do and it helped our run game. It's looking like our...
Does anyone know what's up with Hairston? I haven't heard anything about him all season. I seem to remember that his highlight video showing...
I vaguely remember seeing JL scramble once and I was pleasantly surprised. I agree that he needs to take it up a notch or two, just not to the...
In an interview before practice today, Lee said he really started getting nervous when he got to the stadium and didn't calm down until the half....
You weren't the only one. Very obvious. Good news is, our guy didn't get sucked in and throw a punch back -- that's generally when the ref...
I'm where you are Winston -- cautiously optimistic is the way I describe it. I think the adversity of the past couple of weeks will have the...
+1 :geaux:
Jefferson's father, John Jefferson, said his son told him he left before the fight started and is upset at the perception he was involved. He said...
Here's another factual "news" article for those who are in the know: "Les Miles has accepted an offer to succeed Lloyd Carr as the head coach of...
You are entitled to your opinion, but you don't know what you are talking about. FACT: My daughter maintains a 3.95 GPA, is an officer for a...
Just because Tennessee has done something doesn't mean Auburn has done the same. That would be the same as saying everyone that D.J. McCarthy...
Beautiful women have an impact on everything, not just football. There is nothing wrong with that. These girls are not prostituting themselves....