Best evidence, as noted in comments of that YouTube video- look at the path the helmet takes after the hit- it continues with momentum AS SOON as...
Someone on ESPN called them "Boba Fett" helmets. The matte finish was so nice. EDIT: Just said they "loved them LSU helmets, by the way." after...
Loved them. Saw Kelvin Sheppard hand his helmet off to a student post-game- I almost blew a gasket that it wasn't me.
Played Madden Arcade online twice yesterday at a buddy's house and won both games- does that count as online experience?
Captial One... Capital One... I still believe... Capital One...
Agreed. If there weren't bonehead decisions throughout the last two seasons, on top of the INCREDIBLY inconsistent play, my bottom line might have...
HOOK 'EM!! Oh wait, am I supposed to wait till January for that? COUCHON DE LAIT!!
I'm not one of those "my conference is better than your conference" guys. Really just don't see the big deal, when it comes down to it. That...
I'm not quick to disagree with red, um, ever, but there are what appear to be stripes on the sleeves. That being said, I understand what you're...
Re: New Uniforms for LSU Coming Soon? This.
Dear Mr. Slive: I Should Be a Replay Ref -- NCAA Football FanHouse I won't even spend any time thinking about the press conference I would stage...
Aside from me telling you I've had friends, part of the LSU student body, send me text messages with phone numbers, I don't know what more...
No, it was a standard pre-recorded woman's voice from whatever network he is on.
Dad: Red Mom: Okie (they rarely talk, it's hard on us kids) Grandpa: Saban Crazy Uncle: tirk Crazy Uncle's lover: martin Asian exchange student:...
I got two text messages the week before the Florida game with Urban Meyer's number. They were the same, and they were valid. Don't ask how I know...
If this really happens, it will have been the best football game in the history of football games. Legacy- I just don't see it happening. It's...
I would really like it if my avatar was one a .gif of Patrick Peterson doing the windmill with his arm. I think I shall begin to scour the...
This one's gonna be a doozy... Streaks not related to LSU: - The week of LSU-UF, I had a massive World War II history test. - I had a massive...
My missing week 8 didn't help anything :)