I've heard this before, but it was about a different recruit.
Great point of view Maderan!:thumb: It's all about the kids. Deceiving them would be unethical.
Are there any top notch O-line prospects from La. next year?
. http://www.draftdaddy.com/blog/blog.cfm
Re: US Army All-American Bowl I Hope to see many LSU hats today!:thumb: At least two.
I learned alot about other people on this board.:thumb:
Whatever? I know alot of rich people and none of them would carry that much cash! He got busted! Face it! Hopefully he can learn from his mistake...
Not even the $4000 he had on him?
What about Florida?
My guess would be LSU? I only know of that one loss to the bulldogs
I can not believe you have Southerin ahead of Gramblingbling!:dis: You are stupid!:cuss:
It does make me laugh though!:grin: Nice find Deek.:rofl: Ask Bret if he will put that iimage in the Smiles box.:hihi:
I do not believe it!:shock: :shock: I can't believe he picked any team #1, cause he hates everything!:eek:
Scott had very few carries because he's already committed. This game was mainly played so kids can get noticed, obviously Scott has already been...
any way you cook it, it's still a Black eye on the football program. Maybe not a big black eye, but a black eye none the less. These things just...
When you made statements pointing out that alot of athletes smoke, it came across (to me anyway) as if you were making excuses for Wroten.
It would not be "guilt by association" it would be "testing by association".:grin:
Scott had 41 yards and a TD in Max Emfinger’s all-american high school bowl classic in Shreveport....
I do!