Typical basher that is in denial that Brady isn't a good coach.. well if he does this or if he is able to do that. Face it.. you are a basher.....
I think they really have not clue how to market a basketball package because they have nobody that can spell basketball in their organization.
In my opinion, the SEC has had poor leadership in their basketball position and that hopefully they get someone in there with brass kahunas to...
Still will not help the perception that we are a football conference and that the espn world wont be there to pump us up.
Indiana is done with Calipari from what I hear.
I am glad someone else noticed that... Wow... 4 of the best looking blondes that tejas has to offer.
It is because Mikey Slive and company cannot spell basketball. Maybe they will replace BD (may he rest in peace) with someone that has some spark...
http://www.al.com/sports/birminghamnews/kscarbinsky.ssf?/base/sports/1143454802110050.xml&coll=2 Interesting article but Brady has passed UAB...
While I have posted this before, when will the SEC get their act together and get us a solid TV package? We will be in the same situation next...
completely my point in the beginning... must not be important to have them at the elite 8 for men's basketball.
Big problem with all of this though... THE SEC office has a horrible media package to show the sport on TV. Dookie V and the gang are paid by...
was it over when the germans bombed pearl harbor?
same reason they didn't have a scoreboard that worked... at one point in the game, the score of the game was nowhere to be seen in the GA dome.....
Grow a set.. are you kidding me... can you imagine if we didn't have cheerleaders at a bowl game in football??? We had our dancers and that...
Just back from Hotlanta... was there when we won at the Omni in 1986 and was happy to be there tonight with my son to witness a great LSU...
you haven't been on here in the last 3 years to experience the hate towards him.
In case we forgot what he looked like... SF, I am beginning to think that the bashers are liberal democrats... they whine and complain about...
brady bashers are soooo in denial right now... the preposition funk they are in is hilarious... If CJB... But CJB recruited bad players... Because...
Just seems the bashers got hit like a gnat with a sledgehammer after knowing that their cause is lost... of course idiots like them had no idea...
saw that too... basketball means to them what football means to us. I don't feel that way however as I am as big a basketball fan. I was at the...