No but the RSF QB starting the game has alot to do with that.
It's not CLM directly it's the Defensive scheme and dual DC's.
Teams have us figured out it seems. There sure does seem to be a lot of "missed" asignments. We do the same damn thing week in week out hell what...
I have to agree as well time for them to go. I want to see a kick your azz mentality in our defense not play on your heals and line up safeties on...
The only problem with Lee is he is thinking too much. When he gets it all together he could be a special player. JR had a pretty bad year his...
I'm not one to cry wolf but at this point I think it would be better to finish out this year and then scrap this whole system. It just doesn't...
I do too I've thought for a few years now he was the key to Auburn's success. He is head coach material.
Any scheme that puts a slow safety on the other teams fastest player game after game needs to be, if nothing else, tweeked. We have been giving up...
USC with out a doubt. They have had the most hyped team, coach and recruiting classes of any program this decade "only" to win one MNCG, if I'm a...
Well I won't ever make this mistake again, FUSC......I should have known better. Pete is not as good of coach as the media makes him out to be....
Well this year I fell into that trap thinking they were probably one of the best teams in the country. This goes to show you can't win on talent...
Well I thought they wouldn't lose a game...boy was I wrong. I don't won't to hear chit about Pete Carroll being a great coach again. There is...
I thought he was "bad" when he was here. With our talent level he badly under achieved. He has no imagination, too predictable. When did fisher...
I tell you what that Marks kid is one helluva player himself. I was kind of surprised by their remarks though.
If this is your outlook for the game you don't know very much about football. What Lee done was something not many other QBs at his age could have...
You ain't telling me nothing new. I was very happy to see Jimbo go. I knew how good Crowton was from his days at La Tech.
Now maybe people will shut up about our DBs. With the play of J Lee we have no weaknesses.
Yeah we found our QB. It looks like our punters are ok too!
This is not last years USC guys. This is probably the best USC team Pete has had since he's been there. I know a lot of you will disagree but they...
LSU by more than 7! :thumb: