Please don't get this guy mixed up with me! :insane:
We don't need them to win the SEC next year we have enough talent to do that already. I do believe we can win a couple of these :crystal: with...
Agree 10000000%!!!!!!!! :thumb: :crystal: :geaux::crystal:
I'm not sold on Orgeron as a DC he's never been one and ole piss wasn't that good on D. He is a great recrutier and D-line coach though. I think...
If CLM does this I would be very very disappointed. The whole system is bullchit with out the right guy here to run it. I truely believe we could...
I am still 100% a CLM supporter! He didn't get "lucky" last year he had the seniors to go out and make the plays when we needed them. The only...
Guys the best thing about this season is with out a doubt we will get a new defensive staff, something we've needed for a few seasons now. I think...
“I don’t like people bragging on themselves,” Russell Sr., said. “When Russell was nine he was bragging before a game about how good he was to his...
Re: Kenny Bell is a TIGER! I really liked this kid but with the guys we have and the ones that are coming in we really don't need him and it...
Re: Kenny Bell is a TIGER! Fixed it for you.
I think this is what's going on but can you blame them they are gun shy from all the big plays given up on D and all the int's on O. The more they...
I agree 100000% enough already this is starting to look bad for CLM as well.
We need a serious overhaul on the defensive side and as bad as I hate Ole piss this was probably what it was gonna take to get it done.
Kind of hard to throw snowballs when you don't have any. :insane: :lol:
If he sticks with them then we are in for a long season next year as well and he should be fired for doing so. I think Les is smarter than that...
This should pretty much put an end to the dual DCs and this crappy defensive scheme. Cheer up the future is brite!:thumb:
And pass the ball.
I hope that's all it takes for them to get their heads out of their azzes.
I hope JJ is the spark we need but the dam D is still questionable, maybe they will play off the offense.
Well maybe getting blowed out at home will finally put the nail in the coffin for the dual DC and this chit scheme.