LSU has been winning this way under Les Miles since he got here. He continues to win in his own way. There are a bunch of teams out there who...
Puts spin in his speech that we're going to do exactly what I promised we'd do despite lobbying for troops to stay longer. Let's not mention the...
The Herman Cain Train Music Video - YouTube :rofl:
Who would y'all vote for to represent the Republican party in the presidential election? I'd vote Ron Paul.
Curious who y'all would vote for if Ron Paul won the Republican nomination. I'd vote RP without a doubt. 2011 CFN Rankings - Week 6 I like going to CFN to check out their analysis of the college football landscape. LSU #1. Alabama #2,...
So, our D has been struggling mightily lately. Wut up wit dat? We be lookin like the aints out there on D. A&M was moving the ball at will. Is...
Hmm, dropped another game to a small school. Darn. Insight?
My wait and see attitude has returned to "Miles needs to go". Miles is to blame for our offense. He is responsible for sticking with Jefferson...
you're still hoping that Saban will claim the love child you bore him. Borrowing a borrowed thread idea is kosher, right? :tigereye:
We are to the point where the optimists have to make excuses and do a lot of mental gymnastics to defend Miles. We aren't seeing cutting edge...
Lee looked good in his limited role. Threw the ball well. I'm sorry we don't see more of him. Ridley looked awesome.
I've been wanting to bash on my tigers for a while and have done so in about 4 posts in the past 10 minutes. All that bitching done, I seriously...
Miles has plenty of accolades. He's won a NC, the SEC, has beaten a plethora of top 25 teams, has recruited very well according to the recruiting...
Our QB play is the low spot of our offense in my opinion, followed by the OL. Then I've heard from a few places our all-world receivers aren't...
I've heard a lot of people exclaim how great our defense is playing. Relative to last season, yeah. But I wouldn't call our defensive...
Last year Les Miles was stuck in a tough position when Ryan Perrilloux screwed the pooch. His response was to stick with one guy through thick...
I'd like to direct those fans of women's basketball to our football team and really, all those pumpers who feel like we really did something to...
Take a chill pill and open up your gd ears. :angryfire
I was thinking about the minimum wage and I had an idea - eliminate minimum wage and bump up welfare. I have mixed feelings on welfare, but at...