It's absolutely the opposite. For example Tim Robbins is appalled that he would be uninvited from this thing, but in our country you are free to...
Since Bull-Durham was about baseball which is supposed to be the all-American sport it only seems right to boot those anti-American crap heads...
That was funny Biggles! Although the flag could be substituted with a peace sign and it would turn into a joke about the lefties.
Well Saban fan maybe if I was educated in your parish then my vocabulary would be as terrific as yours, but I doubt it. Oh, by the way I was born,...
How many people usually attend yalls spring game? We usually have about 30-35,000 at the Alabama spring game. That is more than Coach Price is...
I hope yall do great along with all of the sec schools. I would love to see at least 2 sec schools in the final4.
It is also confirmed that we lost our first marine in combat. I know a lot of prayers will be said for his family, he is a hero.
I totally agree with Saban fan. The experts in our government feel that this war is necessary, and I trust them. No, I am not a sheep, just a girl...
Was everyone else as disturbed as I was about their comments. Even liberals have to be a little embarrased about how they acted. First they dis...
Yall sound pretty whiny, I was happy that LSU got in along with all the other SEC schools. It goes to show how much jealousy other sec fans have...
The only mistake President Bush is making is waiting. Our troops are ready to get this thing over with. Hell, the iraqis(sp?) are already...
Biggles, Do YOU really think YOU have brought something new and meaningful to this topic. Your comments are childish and you are stereotyping...
Like Ellis Hugh said the mall is private property. They have the right to ask someone to leave. The guy and his son had the shirts made in the...
Okay, I am not an LSU fan, BUT that was the stupidest article I have ever read. When we think of ole miss we think of beautiful campus-NOT! We...
I totally agree with Saban Fan. There is no way someone is going to be arrested for wearing a t-shirt. There had to be more to the story. The guy...
It is just as we suspect you liberals are more against Bush than you are the war. As far as Clinton we supported him when he was keeping 'peace'...
I totally agree with Saban Fan. If we don't fight the war in Iraq, its gonna be fought here. I think I will trust my President, and his staff of...
Just wanted to let you tiger fans know that the weekend of the Bama-LSU baseball game, is also our spring football(A-day) game. We usually have...