I’ve heard Clark hurt his foot/ankle which has hurt his status
So @Rex you haven’t responded to questions/comments about Biden’s creation of a Ministry of Disinformation or the person he will nominate to be...
Unfortunately it’s not prominently advertised. I found it only when I had to pay for my season tickets in person one year.
Evidence of Biden’s great policies and how impressed voters are....
Both his previous campaigns were derailed by his being caught in lies. He was at best Obama’s white token. He thought Biden a fool and is the one...
It is a grind Shane but it can be fascinating as you get to interact with so many. I work with offshore oil, mines in Indonesia, refineries and...
So the democrats are friends of the common people and want to lift them up @Rex. So why is this clamor to erase student debt so loud? It’s taking...
Right! Who decides on what “truth” is and what “disinformation” is sport. This is such a violation of the free speech clause of the first...
Not sure this team deserves rally tits
You might want to go by the athletic ticket office in the stadium. There is a version of that right now. I agree it should be larger and have...
Ever read 1984 @Rex ?
Aren’t you doing the same? You have no problem with liberal Bezos buying the Washington Post or liberal Bloomberg with his own platform or Disney...
Well well well @Rex claims that leftist ideology isn’t taught in school?...
For you @Kikicaca https://twitter.com/randyren4/status/1518651235934654464?s=21&t=QvXsO-Bi9_az06A1z4nlHA
GG Shin & Jerry Count Jackson and Bill Wray were the staples of my high school and college music scene. If they were playing anywhere nearby we’d...
Liberal reaction to Musk buying Twitter [ATTACH]
Oh yes that’s a direct analogy to what’s happening now.
One other thing to ponder. Who knows that recently discovered oil and gas reserves made Ukraine a direct competitor of Russia in Europe. Could...
I’m calling in the clowns….@shane911 do you still think the Russians are de-Nazifing Ukraine or do you see the Russians are the real Nazis? Pride...
Kiki maybe you should read the Bible some more. False and corrupt prophets like Trump often co-opt and use religious form to gain power. It...