Just about every book members of the former guy’s cabinet revolve around the crazy often illegal things he wanted to do. The latest is former...
No I understand that there is a need for moderation which was part of the decision. However what it did was entrench the argument in ways that...
Rex trying to base laws on bad cases like this make bad law. I’ll not pretend to know when life begin (or maybe more appropriately when a soul is...
Truer words were never spoken
Speaking of insurrection https://twitter.com/themikelcrump/status/1521632356641255425?s=21&t=vxQgXYaqCWf4Fr9usVPUKA
It’s closing in all right. This is news today Trump organizations agree to pay $750,000 to settle lawsuit with D.C. The city alleged the groups...
Old new. Read the resignation letters of the attorney who led the investigation
Understand I’m not commenting on the concept of abortion. Roe vs Wade was decided on extremely questionable constitutional grounds. Even pro...
No mostly at The Speakeasy and a couple of times in Port Allen
@shane0911 you’ve been wondering who set the pipe bombs. Look at the photos…..could it be MTG???...
That is understated by a wide margin.
Satire? Yes but too close to the truth. https://twitter.com/the_kyle_mann/status/1520934801393344512?s=21&t=dH7JkNXSxkBTZ3jtidHh8w
@Rex is this who you want to run the ministry of disinformation? Seriously???...
If you don’t understand you’re either incredibly dense or so invested in the idea that democrats can do no wrong. Frankly I lay odds on the...
Who cares. It’s spectacular
I’ve told it’s a vehicle for suppressing free speech.
so tell me Rexie what would you think is trump had called for this and nominated Alex JONES head? What will you think when he or another...
So I wasn’t around Hoover’s presidency but there is a significant difference between the role of press secretary and a minister of disinformation....