You don’t then do you? Trump started out a winner in the genetic lottery…he had a rich father. Had he done nothing but stay in real estate he...
Much is due to inflation of real estate values which he has held and frankly is what he knows. He was also extremely fortunate with his television...
What??? He just canceled lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. You believe any left wing propaganda CNN or MSNBC spouts.
That’s almost a smart comment. Unfortunately you have the fantastical idea that by “going green ” immediately; switching to wind, solar or...
@Rex your stupid fixation that the senate bill was only RvW codified is given lie all across the board. I gave you a liberal view and here’s a...
I’m sure that’s what you liked and expected when you dated. BTW would you accept that from your wife?
Do you just want to hide under the bed and hope the bad guys go away????
Speaking of China (I agree they’re a threat too) how does caving in to Putin make it less likely China will do the same to Taiwan and SE Asia? How...
So you’re willing to let Putin use nuclear blackmail to conquer countries? How does that end? How does that help us?
No answer to this @LSUpride123 ?
Russia is a threat because it’s an aggressive led by a manic who wants to recreate a greater Russia that encompasses the old Soviet Union and...
Only after he failed on January 6. Of course he’s a long time failure who has bankrupted most of the businesses he’s run.
@Rex this is a progressive’s view of what the radical left is doing. Note in the part about abortion he says the bill would allow unlimited...
If it was you’d be in jail now.
Laugh at you as usual
Big mouth for a little man
Yea right. You cover 0.0001% of Trump’s actions between Nov 3 and Jan 6. But if it make you feel good go ahead. You’re a Bullshit specialist to...
As a individual out of office he isn’t a threat. Wielding the power of the presidency he was. Standing unarmed and alone I’m not much of a...
Interesting point about the printed Buddhist document. While the first movable printing was done 600+ years before Gutenberg, it was the impact of...