That, and we actually spotted them the second touchdown with a momentary lapse of sucking. Does anyone know, of the games that Sanchez has...
Les Miles is a great coach, and you're lucky to have him. Tressel is also a great coach, and I feel lucky to have him. That said, he's often...
Thanks for the hospitable offer. I'm stuck in Columbus for the game. It was either New Orleans last year or this game, and I picked New Orleans....
I was insulted not that the team was questioned, but that someone was telling me that i secretly don't believe in my team. if that makes me a...
this is all i'm gonna address... I think it's good for the team to have games like that as it reminds them you have to show up every time you...
Welcome to the board! LSU fans are great fans, as you already know, and the cream of the crop posts here. Good luck to you for next weekend....
[/U] Fair enough. I was unaware I called anyone a name, other than directing general comments at a certain type of person. I apologize if...
That's because I was working during the game and watching, pacing around the restaurant like woody hayes about to mug a clemson player. I...
You were obviously committed to that choice by letting one bad game change your mind. is that the same way you support your own team, perhaps...
A little stubborn sure, but don't be a jackass and call him an idiot, k? He's a game behind the best record in college football in the last 7...
How, by allowing 7 points, creating 5 turnovers and around 200 yards of total offense, knocking their starting QB out of the game, and punishing...
In 10 days, there will be a little more room at the top of the poll. I think the SEC benefits from a similar bias (I know that's a whole...
Thanks. The University has been pretty quiet, with all athlete attitude awfully positive (just sorta wound up typing it that way...). Tress has...
Don't worry, if they are #1, won't be for long :grin:. Sorry vball, had to be said. let the smack talk begin! Beanie will be fine, and we're...
I for one, think that LSU did a phenomenal job coming out and taking care of business. I can't imagine having to play a game with the concern of...
Good luck today! May it be a fun game to watch, with no injuries or Hurricanes!
Let me see if I understand this... If I say your team sucks, then say just kidding, it's ok? How bout I say that your team couldn't win a high...
As will I be rooting for LSU to surprise in the SEC (I won't be surprised, but you know what i mean). Until they play us, or a B10 team that is!...
How many other teams would've lost those games, I wonder? I have no excuse for 2006, but last year was a rebuilding year (which I was saying in...
I guess we'll find out this fall won't we? :thumb: