couple of things: A.) if that pic is really @shane0911 , i will kick the dog piss outta him in our race (if he ever shows up). 4.) that’s not...
i have no clue who CaryLab is, and @shane0911 is basically a dipshit, but pretty confident only one of those 3 is scared to race me across a bayou.
wow! waaaay wrong state bro.
wake me when it happens
thought of that one all by yourself?
oooooooh, caps lock! you must really be serious now.
i don’t think you know what “fact” means. It is probable that kids with a negative test result were not allowed to play. that’s bullshit and...
i port to god we are never “gifted” a title run like this. i want to win it on the field. my best against your best. not this horseshit!
Vandy absolutely knows this was given to them. NC State already beat their ace. then with a whoppping 13 active players scared the shit out of...
They kn not guessing shit.
andy was absolutely given this shit!
actually, NC State had players test NEGATIVE that could play due to “contact tracing” so yeah, fuck Vandy. they were gifted this shit, and they...
do i “know” the reports are true? obviously i’m not in locker rooms to say for sure. but when one coach (*cough* Corbin *cough* ) is quoted as...
guess i should have said “reportedly”
they whines and forced ALL (including vaccinated) NC State players get tested while refusing to allow their fully vaccinated players get tested....
fuck both of them.
me too fuck all them redneck hillbilly bastards.
got it. you have an opinion on a game you did not watch. and sorry i can’t take anyone serious if they say “points” when talking about baseball.