Montegut got straight fucked up.
what part of Houma if you don’t mind my asking? my family made it through. but it’s bad. really really bad.
so far
i’m in Texas for this one. got family that stayed though.
well, shit. Montegut looks to be ground zero. :(
so do people not just drink regular ass Jack Daniels over ice anymore?
what the hell is that?
shut up, we know you drink Cosmos
i’m sure he puts jolly ranchers in them make the all colorful and shit
yeah, Zimas have that effect on pansies.
goddammit me, shit, i mean you. pay closer attention next time.
i realize most here would love to be able to claim the amazing content i bring to the board, i’m not anyone’s alter. not even my own.
now why you got curse me like that?
The Box sells out every year. The people just don’t show up. last season due to restrictions as time they went on sale it didn’t, so those first...
what up old timer?
I’m not a huge O lover either, but c’mon man! In what world are we behind Miss State? and Mizzou ain’t even in the fucking west Berry definitely...
not “official”, but February 18, 2022
if my dog looked like @shane0911 , i’d shave his ass and teach him to walk backwards.
i can promise you (being a mod elsewhere) that Buzz isn’t shane.