Damn turnovers
Way to go Tigers were in this thing. Happy that Davis didn't pick up his 3rd foul.
Anybody getting video on Yahoo. I can only get audio. And since I live over here in ACC country I can't find the game on TV; and I have Direct TV.
Gator's Dimarco against Tiger's Toms. Geuax David.
Announcers are right. We need to keep forcing inside to Bass and Davis and hang some fouls on their front line.
Billy Truax played tight end for the Rams for many years. Didn't he play the same position when he was a Tiger. Heck, I should remember because I...
Kevin and Randall made me very proud to be a Tiger last night. Gay played as hard as anybody on the field. Faulk is a team player for the Pats. He...
What did Tommy just say!!! That they had a great undefeated season (which they did) and that they never had a game in doubt in the 4th quarter!!!
Right on Tigerpride. I live in North Carolina and I had the same thought watching last night's Panther game against Philly. Both under-rated...
Pre-game show on right now - ESPN radio.
Thanks for posting the article. It warmed the purple and gold cockles of my heart; brought back so many fond memories... like the Saturday...
Way to go Stoops, He just stuck it to Bowden and Saunders and their self serving idiotic babbling. It's not an accident that two classy coaches...
This comment just out from Terry Bowden.......... "I was wrong last night.....now based on what Ohio State is doing on the field they are the...
My email Dear Sirs, What a dis-service to college football and college football fans around the country displayed by your coverage of...
I agree with Sourdough also... The problem is not the BCS - they got it right. The problem is the talking heads, and ABC selling out on it's...
Which fixture is more mobile? a) John Navarre in the pocket to pass b) the Washington Monument
Their sister network ESPN is just as bad. Some bimbo on ESPN radio said earlier today that if Michigan wins the Rose Bowl, the winner of the Sugar...
As the "official" network of the BCS games, ABC should be consured for continuing to call the Rose Bowl a National Championship game. They are (or...
If he just said that LSU and USC. not Okl. should be in the Sugar, I'd be o.k. with that. BUT, going on to say that the winner of the Rose Bowl-...
Trev is a complete jerk. ESPN needes to boot him off the air!!!