Feed TDP. Run the bawl!
Put Max back in!
Keep giving TDP the bawl!
Deadpool with 3.7 yard per rush. Keep giving him the bawl!
Run the ball with Deadpool!!!!
Let's Geaux! TD takes the lead. Put in Max Johnson!
They just pulled a Les Miles on us
Two turnovers for LSU and 2.0 ypa rushing. Let's fix that
Max Johnson for the next series
Run the bawl . . . .com
Put Max back in
Explain to me how Nuss is better than Max?
I thought we hated Flott
Put in Max Johnson!
Got cute. This is why you don't get cute in the red zone
Thanks for the bad punt, Ar-kansas
Let's Geaux!
Run the bawl .......... com
Good field position. Let's Geaux!